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How To Get Amazing Post Workout Hair: 5 Tips

Let’s admit it – there’s been a few times when we’ve skipped a workout to keep our hair looking great for a little while longer, am I right ladies? Post workout hair can be a nightmare.

Of course, taking a shower and washing your hair after a nice workout or a sweaty yoga class is the ideal thing. But what if you work out daily? And what if showering just isn’t an option on that day or you’ve already washed your hair too many times that week? (dry hair alert!)

Well, don’t let that stop you from being active on your lunch break or first thing in the morning before work, because today we will share our 5 favourite tips on how to get your hair looking great post workout.

Shortcut to Blow dry

Chances are, your scalp is somewhat…well, drenched in sweat. This is where we fake a blow dry by not washing your hair beforehand. Simply take a blow drier, flip your hair, and quickly try to dry the moisture out of your roots. This will do two things: 1) Dry out the sweat (obviously) and 2) Add some volume to the roots to give it back that bounce. Step number two is to use your favourite dry shampoo at the roots and thoroughly work it into the scalp to give it that freshened up look. A firm favourite of ours is Drynamic by Sebastian . Leaves the hair full of volume and fresh scented too.

What? Oh this? I was going for this look.

In case you really, really worked it out (you go girl!) and dry shampoo just won’t do the trick, pull your hair back into a slicked-back bun and use your favourite smoothing product to tame fly away hair. We love Kersastase baume double je. Pretend that’s the look you were going for and no one will even know.. if its good enough for Jessica Alba its good enough for us …. hehe. Sleek!

What about my curls?

If you have wavy or curly hair, we recommend Kerastase and an alcohol-free product such as a styling cream to twist and scrunch the hair to help it maintain the curl. PS. Ever thought of leaving in conditioner for during the workout? Perfect opportunity to hydrate those curls.

Make life easier, think ahead!

Did you know that you can strategically do your hair before your workout in order to achieve awesome post-workout hair results? For example, if you put your hair in high ponytail or a high bun, you will get tons of volume after taking it out.

Another great idea is to braid your hair. Not only is it a secure hairstyle for even high-intensity workouts, but the humidity (or the sweat) will contribute to beautiful loose mermaid waves.

If you like to wear headbands to hold your hair back, opt for thick soft bands instead of the tight thin ones, because those can leave a stubborn indent right at the top of your head, which is hard to get rid of without a shower.Regardless of the hairstyle, make sure the hair is away from your face and your neck. The less it is roaming free, the cleaner your hair will be afterwards.

Air dry

If your hair isn’t prone to getting too frizzy, then you can indulge in a quick rinse and let your hair air dry. For a nice touch, twist the front parts of your hair back and pin. This looks super cute on damp hair, and also once it dries.

There you go, our favourite “nobody will even believe you were getting a sweat on just moments before this” hair fixes Now there are less excuses to forego your workouts! Let us know how these tips work out for you, and if you have any other suggestions that you think we should try. How do you fix up your hair after your workout?

Love dimilo xx



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